The IEP Strategist -Advancing Inclusion, Equality & Special Education Access for all.

Get To Know Us
Kizito & Associates, LLC is a special education advocacy firm dedicated to helping parents of disabled students understand their rights and get the most out of the public school system. We provide one-on-one guidance and support to parents, helping them understand their child's IEP, navigate the special education process, and advocate for their child's needs. We have a network of trusted professionals and resources that we draw on to help our clients. We believe that all children should have access to a quality education regardless of their abilities. That is why we strive to provide parents with the knowledge and tools they need to make sure their children get the education they deserve.
Kimberly Kizito, M. Ed is The IEP Strategist. She is a fierce advocate, dedicated to helping parents. She has been an advocate for over 15 years, working with parents in all 50 states. Kim is a member of the Council of Parents Advocates and Attorneys (COPAA) where she successfully completed SEAT 2 training. Kim published "I used to HATE IEP meetings" and is a favorite podcast guest, speaker, and has contributed to several publications. She is well known for her social media posts geared towards helping parents and teachers work together to understand the rights of students.
Our Services
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The cost of the consultation will be SUBTRACTED** from my coaching or advocacy service if hired.
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Most popular service - I will be by your side(virtually) before, during and after the meeting.**
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Use coaching if you don't want/need an advocate at the meeting but need information to "DIY".**