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IEP/504 Advocate meeting attendance

Most popular service - I will be by your side(virtually) before, during and after the meeting.**

4 hr
800 US dollars

Service Description

*WE- 30 minute(minimum) initial consultation. *ME- Thorough review of your most current IEP/504 (if you have one), and your most current psych-educational assessment (if you have one) and other documentation: Estimated time 2-4 hours. *WE - 1 hour strategy (minimum) session to go over strategies for how I will approach your meeting, what strategies we will use, and to discuss any concerns you may have. *ME - Meeting preparation (including your concerns and areas that we'd like to be discussed at the meeting). Estimated time 2-4 hours. WE - Meeting attendance (estimated time 1-2 hours). **Once we have finished your meeting, should you need me to attend additional meetings, send/respond to emails, provide coaching, that will be charged at my hourly rate of $200/hour - billed monthly (meetings(school or private with me) are billed up front for 1 hour at $200 - time over that hour is billed at the end of the month). No worries - I will let you know IN ADVANCE if we are at the point where monthly billing will start so you can decide how you'd like to proceed.

Contact Details

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